Rahima's books

My name is Rahima Islam, I am a registered scientist by profession and an author of over 10 books. I have studied science to a degree level, and I work in the field of science. I am a devote believer in Islam and I am continuously studying and learning about my religion.  I write books in my spare time; I write both fiction and non-fiction books and I write them from an Islamic and scientific perspective. My aim for writing books is to spread the beauty of my religion Islam and to educate my readers. Through my writing, I wish to inspire, educate, empower and entertain my readers. I am also a book writing course instructor and have taught over 100's of people including children how to write books and get them published. over the years, I have seen some amazing books being written and published.

I love writing because I believe writing well is an effective means of communication and a wonderful way to share knowledge and learn new things. I find writing therapeutic as it's always been a self-heal process for me. I therefore write books which are personal and heartfelt as my books are written to first help me and then help my readers. My books have sold globally and touched the lives of many.

To stay updated about my book writing journey, sign up to the newsletter and I will send you emails and sneak previews of my books. I'll even send you the tricks and trades of writing a book and getting it in the hands of the public to read.

My first book 'How on Earth is modern science mentioned in the Quran?' was written when I first discovered scientific discoveries mentioned the Qur'an, I was intrigued at what I was finding out and although many had already written about this topic, I felt the need to complement their writing. In this book I write about many fascinating scientific discoveries which have been mentioned in the Qur'an. I have now published the second edition of this book and this book capture up-to-date modern scientific discoveries which are mentioned in the Qur'an.

My second book 'Empty arms, broken heart. My journey through grief. An Islamic and scientific perspective on miscarriage' was written to help me in my grieving process at a very difficult time in my life, when I lost my baby daughter at 23 weeks' gestation. It is a topic nobody speaks about, and my aim was not only to help myself, but to help those who had been through what I had experienced. It includes Qur'anic verses and Hadith about the loss of a baby and is complimented with scientific evidence.

My third book; 'Parenting: A sacred privilege. Advice and recommendations on parenting from an Islamic, scientific, psychological, sociological and personal perspective', was written to help myself and others facing parenting in modern times. Parenting changes with time and it is a topic that must be talked about. Being in the middle of my parenting journey, this researching and writing of this book has helped me immensely and reached people of all walks of life. Again, this book provides Qur'anic verses to help with the parenting journey, these verses are supported my scientific, psychological and sociological studies.

My fourth book; 'There's No Compromise' is written in a different format and different genre, it is written in the form of a novel. Growing up in the UK and raising three young girls has allowed me to create a book for people wanting to understand Islam from the eyes of a young Muslim girl. Safiyah Kareem, my fictional character is a 10-year-old Muslim Indian girl, growing up in the UK. With the challenges of growing up and the added dilemmas of being a Muslim in a society where Islam is misunderstood and misinterpreted, Safiyah faces day to day challenges, that she learns to deal with. One thing she doesn't do it compromise her religion, Islam. My illustrator Fahmida Zaman has beautifully illustrated this book.

My Fifth book is a journal; 'My Hajj Journal 2019' provides the reader with my experiences, my memories and the life lessons I learnt. It provides stories of the Prophets who carried out the rituals of Hajj and it provides tips and suggestions for those wanting to pursue their journey of a lifetime.

My sixth book; 'The shining rays of sisterhood' is a compilation of quotes, poems and short pieces of writing by women of different background and experiences. The aim of this self-heal book is to bring positivity and hope in the life of others. The book has been written in collaboration with 'The Muslimah Sports Association', which are an organisation that helps women to become empowered, inspired, educated and confident in both their physical and mental health.

My seventh book; 'A Ramadan in Lockdown 2020' is an account of the chaos and challenges faced during the Global Pandemic. It delves into the lessons learnt and the hidden blessing found during this difficult time. For believers, a unique Ramadan in lockdown, a chance to contemplate, return to, repent and correct ourselves for the wrong we were doing.

My eight book; 'The Choice of Uncertainty' was published and launched in the summer of 2022. This is my second novel based on a young girl living in a remote village in Bangladesh, she faces struggles and hardship and after the death of her father, the desire to become a doctor is ignited within her, but her circumstances do not allow her to pursue her dreams. A mysterious donor pays for her education, but she is oblivious to it until her grandmother reveals the truth on her death bed, her grandmother also has a dying wish. She must make a huge sacrifice in exchange to allowing her to complete her studies. The book is a very emotional read and is aimed at kindling the empathy in its reader.

I was inspired to write this story after collecting narratives of unfortunate people living in remote villages in Bangladesh who we help through our charity 'The Al Hajj Abdul Matin Welfare Trust'. As a co-founder of the charity, we have helped the unfortunate with food, clean water, shelter, education, a means of livelihood and means of marriage.

My 9th book was written for my niece who was going on Umrah with her family, I wanted her to learn the rituals of Umrah in a story form and so I wrote the book within a few months, the shortest time I have ever spent on a book, but it was colourful, full of stories , full of facts and a very enjoyable little book. My adventure to Umrah was published at the end of 2022.

My 10th book is the second edition of my first book, How on earth is modern science mentioned in the Qur'an? and as mentioned earlier captures up-to-date modern scientific discoveries which are mentioned in the Qur'an.

Currently I am working on my 11th book, and this is based on marriage and the modern challenges faced within it. This has been a long journey are one which I have decided to take my time as I feel I need to spend more time addressing the many challenges there are,

Simultaneously to this book, I have began writing a book writing book, where I share the gems of everything I have learnt over the years about writing books.

My books are available to purchase from Amazon and other online platforms, such as Goodreads, Thriftbooks, Bookdepository, Abebooks, Picpanzee, Magrudy, Ebay, Barnes and noble, Adlibris, Booktopia, Loot, Walmart, Archiwum, Flipkart, Google, Bol, Bokus and Picdeer.

My books are available to borrow from the British Library and they have public lending rights. They have been used for study purposes by students. They are also available in some Islamic school libraries such as Iqra primary school, Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation school and Suffah Primary school. They have been available at the Darussalam book shops across London and are available at the IHRC bookshop. . My books are available in hospitals and support groups, such as the West Middlesex Hospital and the Birmingham women's hospital charity.

I've been interviewed on Betar Bangla radio station and Ramadan radio, talking about my books and how I have reached out to those who have found it difficult to talk about some of the topics I have mentioned in my books. I have carried out both face to face and zoom sessions on talking about my books and the topics I mention. For impacting the lives of others, I have been recognized by the Zakigong Welfare association and I have been awarded for my role in society. The TCK publishing have awarded my book 'There's no compromise' the reader's choice book award.

My very first book launch party appeared on channel s news, NTV news and Channel i news. It took place at Nelson college London, where hundreds of people came to celebrate the release of my books. I have also launched my books online and I have attended numerous book signing events to promote my books. I recently launched my novel 'The Choice of Uncertainty' with a charity dinner, celebrating not only my book, but the charity work carried out with the proceeds of my books.

I have created virtual book tours, taken part in World Book Day, carried out talks on my books, showcased my books in talent shows, high teas, and bazaars, as well as sold them at book fairs at the London Muslim Centre. My books have been read at the Muslimah Sports Association book-club and featured in the SciptionMag.

I have taken part in writing summits and carried out numerous book writing courses and have created my own book writing courses, some of which I have carried out live.

Keep an eye out for the release of my new books and some exciting events.