I hope and pray that you are all in the best of Iman, health, wealth and happiness. As we reach the end of another year, it’s that time in the year where I update you on the progress of my book writing journey in the hope to inspire, motivate and ignite the flame within you to continue with your book writing journey.
I’m grateful to Allah (SWT) for a lifestyle where I can focus on self-growth and satisfaction. As I continue with my full time job, my role as a mother, my duties as the Queen of my home and my spiritual growth, I have squeezed in the time to expand and explore my writers’ world.
This year I have explored a few different avenues to my book writing journey and Alhamdulillah I have enjoyed seeing my books and my writing reach a different level. I’ve achieved far more than I comprehended this year and I’m ever so grateful to Allah (SWT).
I have a dream, that one day I want to see bookshops and libraries full of books by Muslim writers with good teachings and morals. I’m currently in the process of making this a reality. I have learnt that when you make space in your life for your own creativity, you push boundaries and barriers and make room for others to do the same.
Sit back as I tell you about what I’ve been up to.
In March on World Book Day, I launched my 8th book ‘The Choice of Uncertainty’, to the Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation School, this was my second novel based on the narratives of real life stories of unfortunate girls living in remote villages in Bangladesh. The aim for writing this book was to kindle the empathy within my readers and to give them a perspective, they may never encounter. The book was inspired by the charity work I do as the co-founder of the Al Hajj Abdul Matin Welfare Trust, where we help the poor and needy in remote villages in Bangladesh.
In June, I combined my two passions and launched my book at my Book Launch and Charity Dinner at Nelson College, London. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, it was a beautiful and successful event where I was able to showcase my books and raise funds for charity work. Thank you to all those who attended the Book Launch and Charity Dinner, your presence and support is always appreciated.
I was fortunate enough to visit Bangladesh in July and from the proceeds of my books and the charity funds raised, we completed some charity projects which I had been planning for this year. Do follow the Al Hajj Abdul Matin Welfare Trust Facebook page for the charity work we do.
My books were showcased at the Al Noor Dragon Boat Race in June, The Isleworth Deen Centre Eid in the Park in July and the very first Halal Expo in Excel in December.
During the year, I have been working on my 9th book on Marriage and boy, this has been far the most difficult project I have encountered in my book writing journey. I’ve spent hours and hours on research and still feel like I haven’t done justice to this topic. I’m nowhere near the end, as I’m going to perfect this book as much as I can. I ask Allah (SWT) to help me with this important project which I hope I can do justice to. This book focusses on marriage with its modern challenges and its solutions according to the Qur’an and Sunnah. I’m hoping it will be completed sometime next year.
During the year, I actually challenged myself to write the second edition of my very first book, ‘How on earth is modern science mentioned in the Qur’an? and Alhamdulillah, I impressed myself with the outcome. The book turned out better than I expected and compared to the first edition, it was a great advancement. I am super proud of this edition and honoured it by launching it at the Halal expo in Excel.
I’m still working on that cookbook I promised you all, it’s a slow process and almost at the end of my to-do-list, but In-Sha-Allah, I haven’t forgotten about it and I haven’t abandoned it either.
Something I’ve been focussing on this year is my book writing courses, the online ones have been selling steadily and I working on a few more for the coming year, where I will focus more on separate steps in the book writing journey, rather than the entire process in one course. In September I carried out a six week live book writing course on zoom in collaboration with the Isleworth Deen Centre. It was  a huge success where I saw some beautiful stories being created by some very talented individuals.
Since I’ve mentioned the Isleworth Deen Centre, for those of you who know, as the lead sister, I’ve been trying to build a community and fundraise for our much needed masjid and community centre here in Isleworth. We are in the process of renovating the building, but in need of donations to continue, please do follow our Facebook page and donate generously for our dream to become a reality.
I’ve tried something new this year, I carried out a live workshop on book writing at the Fidya centre in October, it was lovely coaching women to write books in person. I’ve realised the importance of building a community of book writers for my own personal development and this has inspired me to write a book on Book Writing. I’m going to put everything I have learnt and everything I teach on book writing in a book. I’m hoping this will help others in their book writing journey. Hopefully, this will be a book I launch in the new year.
I’m off to the IHRC Bookshop in Wembley this week to deliver my books to them, they have placed an order to sell my books at their shop. This will be the second bookshop which sells my books, I feel truly honoured. I’m looking forward to an author evening at their gallery which they have invited me to in the new year. I’ve also been invited to appear on Islam channel in the new year about my author journey. So do stay tuned to find out what I get up to with my books.
One last surprise for you all, I wrote a short children’s story book this year, I spent literally a few weeks on it. Originally it was intended for my niece who is going to Umrah, but I feel I want to share it with everyone. It’s a book on the journey of Umrah with stories about the rituals involved carried out by the Prophets, their families and companions. I will consider publishing it in the new year and perhaps hold a event to go with it. Those who claim books can be written within weeks are right, it can be done.
I have enrolled in a few book writing courses, namely from the Rob Parnell’s academy and have been reading a variety of books with much more keenness. This has really helped me improve in my book writing skills.
In the coming year, I’m going to continue to write with focus, read with purpose and build my own book writing community, In-Sha-Allah. I’ll let Allah (SWT)’s plan take its course. May Allah (SWT) continue to keep my intentions pure, make my book writing journey beneficial to me and to all who encounter my work and I ask Allah (SWT) to grant me barakah in another year where I can benefit others through all that I do. Ameen.
I hope the coming year is a productive one for you and you are able to fulfil your dreams of leaving behind a legacy of knowledge and on going charity.
May Allah (SWT) bless you all.

Rahima Islam


  1. What a productive year alhamdulillah.

  2. Your writing is so eloquent and persuasive You have a talent for getting your message across and inspiring meaningful change

  3. This article was a fantastic read! I appreciate the depth of information and the clear, concise way it was presented. It’s evident that a lot of research and expertise went into crafting this post, and it really shines through in the quality of the content. I particularly found the first and last sections to be incredibly insightful. It sparked a few thoughts and questions I’d love to explore further. Could you elaborate more on next time? Also, if you have any recommended resources for further reading on this topic, I’d be grateful. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and contributing to a deeper understanding of this subject! I dedicated time to make a comment on this post immidiately after reading it, keep up the good work and i will be checking back again for more update. i appreciate the effort to write such a fantastic piece.

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